About originality
This magazine receives unpublished materials of a theoretical, methodological or practical nature, both of general and particular application to the development or solution of problems, as well as reviews of topics related to the magazine's profiles.
Therefore, its submission to us implies the express commitment of the author that: it has not been submitted to another journal; nor previously published or widely disseminated in previous presentations, or whose content forms part of another published work.
The arbitration system corresponds to evaluators external to our entity and the time between reception, evaluation and approval will be 6 weeks.
Presentation of original and review articles
There are two forms of presentation of articles to be published in the electronic journal Ciencia y Deporte , original articles and review articles. In general, they should not exceed 15 typed pages according to the rules described below, although longer lengths may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
First page:
- Title of the article (in Spanish and English). Clear, brief (with no more than 15 words), informative of the content of the work. It is recommended not to indicate where or when the research was carried out, nor to use acronyms or abbreviations.
- Full name and surname of the author or authors , starting with the main author. Accompanied by other information: academic titles, teaching and scientific category, postal address, email address, institution of affiliation, faculty and department as appropriate, home or institution telephone number, city/country, date of submission of the article. If the authors belong to different institutions, they will be identified with numbers at the end of each name and then the names of the respective institutions will be recorded, with the corresponding numbers.
- Include the ORCID code of each author. If you do not have one, you must access for free: https://orcid.org/register
Second page:
Summary: (in Spanish and English) An informative paragraph of no more than 250 words, must be structured (Introduction - Objective - Materials and Methods - Results - Conclusions) containing the purposes, procedures used, most relevant results and main considerations of the work as well as any new aspect. Does not include abbreviations, formulas, acronyms, references and illustrations. It must be written in the past tense, in an impersonal tone and without references to the main text, footnotes or bibliographical references.
Keywords: (in Spanish and English) The author will reflect the content of the document using 3 to 6 terms or phrases (keywords), placed at the bottom of the summary and in order of importance, which allow the content of the article to be identified, facilitating the assignment of subject indexes, with initial capital letters and separated by semicolons. Science and Sports recommends the use of the UNESCO Thesaurus
Text: The reviews will be divided into sections, according to the author's criteria on the parts they should contain and the original articles will be presented in introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions and bibliographic references.
The introduction will define both the topic that will be addressed in the work and its background. The objectives of the study will be stated, as well as the justification for its conduct. No data or conclusions from the work will be included. It must be written in the present tense, with a descriptive-narrative style. It includes the theoretical and rational foundation of the study it describes, the what and why of the research. The problematic situation (specific reality of interest) must be presented in a pragmatic way so that readers are interested in the solution. The bibliographic review must be presented in such a way that the reader understands the gap in the state of knowledge and the possible research gaps. This section should conclude by arriving at the main purpose or objective of the investigation, also highlighting the importance and scope of the solution.
In the materials and methods section, most of this section should be written in the past tense, with a descriptive style that allows reporting the main selection criteria of the methods to be used in correspondence with the objective of the research, the time period and scenarios. to be studied, as well as commenting on the main limitations of the research, the materials used, the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the entities studied, the composition and essential characteristics of the samples studied, as well as the procedures, statistical techniques (type sampling, testing, etc.) of quality control used, always under an essential principle: a specialist with knowledge similar to that of the author must be able to reproduce the study carried out without using more information than that offered by the author in the work on how the study was conducted and the original data used.
When the methods are widely known, the references of the works where they are explained in detail will be provided; When they are less known, a brief description should be added. When unknown methods are used, in addition to providing complete information about them, the reasons, advantages and disadvantages of their use will be explained. The computer programs used for data processing must be specified.
In the results and discussion section , the results will be presented in logical sequence, only the relevant statistics and graphs necessary will be used to present the most important information found in accordance with the objectives of the work. The information presented in the tables and figures will not be repeated in the text. Graphs will be used as an alternative to tables; information should not be duplicated in tables and graphs. The use of one or the other responds to their ability to facilitate the understanding of the information and the economy of the magazine. The claim of intellectual priority of the exposed contents will be avoided, as well as the reference of incomplete works. The novel aspects provided by the research will be discussed.
The presentation should focus on the findings, their significance, consequences, limitations, etc., and its purpose is to show the relationships between the observed facts. First, the information that connotes the research is offered, that is, those interpretations with sufficient importance and significance that differentiate it from other research; The results obtained are then contrasted with those available in the literature consulted (second bibliographic review) to define whether they agree (or not) with what exists in the state of the art. If applicable, also outline the theoretical implications of your work and its possible practical applications. The discussion should end with a brief summary of the conclusions about the scope, limitations and significance of the research.
The conclusions will be developed in line with the objectives of the work. The meaning of the results and their limitations in relation to other similar ones will be explained. The aspects developed in the introduction and development will not be repeated. Unjustifiable conclusions or extrapolations will be avoided with the data used.
Bibliographic references: APA style will be used. The bibliographic list must only include the works cited within the text and also cover the percentage (more than 75%) of updating in the last five years required in the bibliographic review of the state of the art.
References to unpublished data such as presentations at events without ISSN, summaries, theses, master's theses and reports, etc., are not accepted, only those that are published in databases and institutional repositories.
Conflict of interest : The authors must declare that they have no conflict of interest regarding this text.
Authorship contribution. In original research articles, when there are 2 or more authors, the degrees of individual contribution to the results they present must be declared, which will be done following the CRediT taxonomy .
HELP USING THE APA BIBLIOGRAPHICAL STYLE. (American Psychological Association )
Authors (all). If there are more than six, put the six and et al (then you should not use the terms “Collective of authors”).
Title of the book
Vidaespesa , C., Ramírez, G. and Pérez, F. (2015). Life is hard . Mexico: Ed. Globo.
Authors (all). If there are more than six, put the six and et al
Article title
Magazine title
Number in parentheses
Start and end page of the article
Vidaespesa , C., Ramírez, G., Pérez, F., Vidal, O, Pino, E., Fernández, L. et al . (2015). Life is hard. Journal of Anthropology , 7(5), 45-57.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Magazines (especially scientific ones) in the vast majority of cases have volume and number. Don't make the mistake of putting only the volume or only the number. This is more important than it might seem, since the indexing mechanisms in high-level databases automatically detect these omissions; or also when the volume is altered by the number or vice versa; So, we ask you to be very careful in this regard.
Web Document
All the data indicated above (if applicable. In any case, enter the name of the site and/or the institution that publishes it), the Web address and the date of consultation, e.g.:
Neruda, P. (1959). Tomorrow. In One Hundred Sonnets of Love (ch. 1). Retrieved on September 9, 2002, from http://www.wagill.com/neruda/ciensone/
If it is a CD, put all the bibliographic data and state that it is on said medium.
Doctoral or master's thesis:
Wilfey , D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analyzes of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese . Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Almeida, D.M. (1990). Father's participation in family work: Consequences for father stress and father-child relations . Unpublished master's thesis, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Diploma work
Gómez, C. (2000). Costs for decision making in the Raw Materials Recovery Company of Camagüey . Degree work, Bachelor of Finance, University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz , Camagüey, Cuba.
Presentation of the works
Copies of the works will be delivered in Word, with Book Antiqua 11 font, double spacing, letter size, with the margins that the word processor has by default (3 cm on the sides and 2.5 cm on the top and bottom).
The tables will be presented at the end of the article, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals; They will conform to the format of the publication. All must be cited in the text.
Figures: Photographs, graphs, drawings, diagrams, maps, computer outputs, other graphic representations and non-linear formulas will be called figures and will have consecutive Arabic numbering and will be referred to in the text. The photographs will be scanned so that they can be seen with sufficient clarity. The total number of figures and tables should not exceed the number of 6 for all cases. Exceptionally and depending on the importance of including a greater number of figures in the work, this rule could be varied by decision of the Editorial Board. All figures included must be in the formats: *.JPG or *.GIF
Abbreviations and acronyms . They will be preceded by their full name the first time they appear in the text. They will not appear in titles or summaries. Those of international use will be used or as required by the author.
International System of Units (SI). All results will be reported in SI or SI permitted units.
Publishing profiles.
Any original or revision work related to physical education, sports, recreation, physical culture for health, sciences applied to physical culture and the training of physical culture professionals will be accepted for publication.
An author is a person who made substantial contributions to the conception, design, analysis, or interpretation of the data; elaboration or critical review of the intellectual content and that has finally approved the version of the work that is proposed for publication. Those who meet these three conditions are the authors of the work. People who collaborated in carrying out the study but who do not meet the aforementioned conditions may be identified and recognized as collaborators in the acknowledgments section.
Essential aspects for the acceptance of contributions submitted to the journal:
Correspondence with the interest profile of the publication and its readers.
- Methodological quality and content of the work.
- Opportunity, novelty or validity of the proposed topic.
- Quality of the presentation (structure and writing).
- Currentness and value of bibliographic references (must contain bibliography from the last five years, especially to support important aspects).
- Compliance with the instructions for the presentation of the works.
The fundamental reasons for rejecting a work are its lack of originality, scientific solidity, reliability of its methods and interest for the journal's audience.