Physical Education graduates updating plan related to the work with adults with chronic hemiplegia
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The investigation approaches the theoretical and methodological foundations that sustain the elaboration of Burkina Faso Physical Education graduates updating plan in the problem related with their insufficient preparation for the attention to adults with chronic hemiplegia according to the Adapted Physical Activity. The elaboration of the updating plan arises of the social and political necessities of the environment for its adaptation to the current context that guarantees the practice of physical activity to all with ends preventive, therapeutic and leisure. To give answers to these inadequacies, it has proposed as objective of the present work: to elaborate
an updating plan of Burkina Faso Physical Education graduates with respect to the improvement of the motor skills in adults with chronic hemiplegia. For this reason, methods and technics were used as the bibliographical revision, the survey, the structural systemic model and the statistical-mathematical one which allowed to value quantitative and qualitatively the obtained results starting from a diagnosis. That mentioned previously allowed the elaboration of the updating plan which efficiency resides to the acting of the graduates in the improvement of motor skills in adults with chronic hemiplegia.
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