Dermatoglyphic characteristics in high-performance Cuban wrestlers

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Ernesto Miguel Maceo-Arias
Rafael Lázaro Tamarit-Medrano
Irma de las Mercedes Muñoz-Aguilar


The study identifies the model dermatoglyphic characteristics of high performance adult athletes of the wrestling sport with the aim of shaping the profile of the wrestler to select talents. For which, digital impressions were
taken from 32 wrestling athletes, with which the dermatoglyphic formulas, the sum of papillary ridges were processed and which allowed the analysis of these variables as well as the absolute and percentage incidence of the
different types of designs and the mean of the quantitative variables, the statistical significance test was applied for the comparisons of the means of the number of digital ridges, according to the established methodology, which
allows, from these results, to use the dermatoglyphic patterns of the athletes Cubans of the highest level, as a model for the national team in this sport.


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Miguel Maceo-Arias, E., Tamarit-Medrano, R. L., & Muñoz-Aguilar, I. de las M. (2021). Dermatoglyphic characteristics in high-performance Cuban wrestlers. Sport and Science, 6(1), 116–126.


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