Assessment of the psychological impact of the use of video assistant referee (VAR) in soccer refereeing

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Luis Giovanni Vera Mantuano
Carlos Rafael Nuñez Peña


Introduction: every day information and communications technology contributes to the work of different areas of sports refereeing, in the particular case of soccer, video assistant referee (VAR) helps the decision making process in four situations that determine the outcome of matches. However, also has a psychological impact on this, as it is in a constant process of evaluation.
Objective: to assess the relevance of an alternative for identifying the psychological impact of the use of VAR in Ecuadorian soccer refereeing.
Materials and methods: empirical theoretical and mathematical statistical methods and techniques were used in the research; where the starting point was a descriptive and predictive study.
Results: once the results of the consultation with the specialists in the convened areas were tabulated, it was possible to appreciate that the alternative presented is viable and pertinent to be applied in social practice.
Conclusions: the results obtained demonstrate a high level of validity, since they were obtained through the application of the scientific method.


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How to Cite
Vera Mantuano, L. G., & Nuñez Peña, C. R. (2024). Assessment of the psychological impact of the use of video assistant referee (VAR) in soccer refereeing. Sport and Science, 9(2), e254.
Artículos Originales


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