Alternativa metodológica para entrenar la posición de vertical en flotación en la natación artística

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Ainat Alicia Nápoles Céspedes
José Ignacio Ruiz Sánchez


Introduction: Artistic swimming in Cuba is ruled by the international standards of the International Federation of Artistic Swimming (FINA) (2017-2021). Nationally, the technical skills are assessed in the water and on the ground in the 9-10 category. One of the technical tests in the water is float measurements in different positions.
Aim: To design a methodological alternative for training the vertical float position in 9-10-year-old athletes of artistic swimming.
Materials and methods: The procedures used permitted to provide the rationale for the scientific outcome, determine the existing flaws in practice, and the statistical data processing.
Results: The methodological alternative relies on theoretical rationales for physical and technical training of artistic swimming. It has three stages with the proper arrangement of the non-customized components of the process and the methodological indications.
Conclusions: The practical results enabled the validation of the alternative.


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How to Cite
Nápoles Céspedes, A. A., & Ruiz Sánchez, J. I. (2022). Alternativa metodológica para entrenar la posición de vertical en flotación en la natación artística . Sport and Science, 7(3), 100–111.
Artículos Originales


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