History of Electronic Sports in Cuba
Main Article Content
Introduction: Electronic sports constitute a novel branch of sports, in which athletes and computer systems are closely linked.
Aim: To demonstrate the relevance of historical contents and conceptual elements that favor the scientific study of electronic sports in Cuba, due to the lack of sufficient information about the scientific history of electronic sports.
Materials and methods: The descriptive qualitative approach was used along with the bibliographic method, and meta-synthesis. Information was collected from scientific papers referring to electronic sports and the historic-logical analysis method.
Results: This report derives from the search for historical elements about the emergence and progression of electronic sports in Cuba, their players, and main results in national and international meetings, as well as characteristics and necessary concepts in this sports area.
Conclusions: This study offers a bibliographic review of this sport discipline, and includes a timeline of the main players in the country in recent years, their introductory characteristics, and definitions in the world of electronic sports.
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