A Theoretical Approximation of Specific Professional Competency Technical Volleyball Training Management

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Juan Alberto Garcés Martínez
Jorge Luis Mateo Sánchez
Esteban Juan Pérez Hernández


Introduction: The specific professional competency technical training management of elementary Volleyball teachers plays a critical role in the teaching-learning process of this sport, integrating the system of knowledge into a whole, in order to achieve efficient educational performance.
Aim: A study was done in relation to the conceptualization and dimensions of the specific professional competency technical training management of the Volleyball teachers in the 11-12-year-old category, in the province of Holguin.
Methods: The scientific literature was reviewed in English and Spanish (Google Scholar) and linked to specific professional competencies of the sports teachers. The information was classified and arranged depending on the main topic.
Result: the concept of specific professional competency technical training management of the 11-12-year-old category volleyball teachers at the base, as well as its dimensions made by the specific technical competency (knowing how to learn), specific methodological competency (knowing what to do), and specific personal competency (knowing how to perform) related to the technical training of Volleyball teachers.
Conclusion: The definition of the concept of competency technical training management of the 11-12-year-old category volleyball teachers, was determined, along with its dimensions, which will permit more accurate training actions and a more comprehensive performance assessment.Introduction: The specific professional competency technical training management of elementary Volleyball teachers plays a critical role in the teaching-learning process of this sport, integrating the system of knowledge into a whole, in order to achieve efficient educational performance.
Aim: A study was done in relation to the conceptualization and dimensions of the specific professional competency technical training management of the Volleyball teachers in the 11-12-year-old category, in the province of Holguin.
Methods: The scientific literature was reviewed in English and Spanish (Google Scholar) and linked to specific professional competencies of the sports teachers. The information was classified and arranged depending on the main topic.
Result: the concept of specific professional competency technical training management of the 11-12-year-old category volleyball teachers at the base, as well as its dimensions made by the specific technical competency (knowing how to learn), specific methodological competency (knowing what to do), and specific personal competency (knowing how to perform) related to the technical training of Volleyball teachers.
Conclusion: The definition of the concept of competency technical training management of the 11-12-year-old category volleyball teachers, was determined, along with its dimensions, which will permit more accurate training actions and a more comprehensive performance assessment.


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How to Cite
Garcés Martínez, J. A., Mateo Sánchez, J. L., & Pérez Hernández , E. J. (2023). A Theoretical Approximation of Specific Professional Competency Technical Volleyball Training Management. Sport and Science, 8(2), e4312. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2023.V8.No2.003
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