Customized Exercises in Physical Education for the Psychomotor Development of Blind Learners
Main Article Content
Introduction: The practice of physical exercises by blind learners must include curricular adjustments to the elements and processes of teaching, in keeping with the sensorial deficit, and particularly, retardation in the psychical processes of general motricity.
Aim: This paper aims to design a set of adapted physical exercises to enhance the learners' psychomotor capacities through the Physical Education lesson.
Materials and Methods: A pre-experimental study with minimum control was done for three years (2019-2021). The sample was selected from an intentional non-probabilistic sampling. Accordingly, four fourth-year blind students were chosen.
Results: The procedures used helped determine the shortcomings of the teaching-learning process, and to process the data obtained. A set of physical exercises were adjusted, according to the main psychomotor defects observed in the visually impaired. The implementation of this proposal favored customized assistance during the teaching-learning process, depending on the needs, possibilities, and potentialities, with 75 % of the sample reaching a high response level, as opposed to 25 % that showed low levels.
Conclusions: This study showed higher stimulation of psychomotor development in blind students, through the set of physical exercises customized to their needs in the Physical Education Lesson.
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