Leisure activities to develop basic motor skills in basic education students
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Context: playful activities for teaching the front role, which can be done in free time with the aim of releasing tension, getting out of the daily routine and to obtain a little pleasure, fun and entertainment, it also facilitates body
development, the coordination of movements through the game during training and improve the motor movements of the subjects under study in the execution of the front role.
Objective: Design recreational activities for teaching the front role in gymnasts of children's categories of the Liceo Naval Educational Unit of the city of Guayaquil.
Method: The investigation is of an Explanatory type Experimental type, it was in charge of looking for the reason of the facts by means of the establishment of cause-effect relationships studying a sample of 12 gymnasts category 9 and 10
Results: Once the normality test has been applied to the Pre-test and Post-test variables and the result is that the alternative Hypothesis H1 is rejected and the null Hypothesis Ho is confirmed, assuming that the data have a normal
distribution as the result is that P-value = 0.212 ≥ α = 0.05 during the pre-test and P-value = 0.160 ≥ α = 0.05 during the post-test, which is obtained by applying the Shapiro Wilk test.
Conclusions: It is concluded that the system of playful activities proposed to improve the front-line role is pertinent and its application should be extended to training categories.
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