Indicators of the environmental education for the sport profesional

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Fernando Emilio Valladares-Fuente
Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco


Environmental education is a highly demanded transversal training process of the international education system, particularly in Cuban education. A number of dimensions and indicators of sports and fitness activity have been established to measure the impact of this process. However, despite the relevance of this topic, no proposal of indicators that can be homogenized into a standard assessing pattern to evaluate tthese actions have been submitted. The purpose of this paper was to suggest a group of indicators to assess the environmental education of the the students from the Bachelor Degree in Physical Culture, based on a set of more integrated indicators. Accordingly, bibliographic review,
observation, and a survey were conducted to determine the indicators, which, it turn, revealed shortcomings in the environmental education of students, and provided a way for progressive solution.


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How to Cite
Valladares-Fuente, F. E., & Posso Pacheco, R. J. (2022). Indicators of the environmental education for the sport profesional. Sport and Science, 7(1), 45–59.
Artículos Originales


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