Exercises to Improve Tactical Performance of Boxers in the Pre-Selection of Camagüey, Cuba

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Yusiel Nápoles Marcillan
Jorge Franci Martinez Hernández
Carlos Alberto Enríquez Muñiz


Introduction: The tactical performance of boxers is critical; it takes into consideration the particularities of each athlete in the sport, especially the three bout distances.
Aim: To design exercises to improve the tactical performance of boxers in the adult pre-selection of Camaguey.
Materials and methods: The objectives of the adult category were used to design the; the study included 24 boxers of the adult category from the local preselection, in the several divisions established in the Comprehensive Program of Athlete Preparation, and the characteristics of the boxers between 19 and 40.
Results: The assessment made by ten users revealed the acceptance and convenience of the system of exercises conforming to their opinions, as they consider it is a valuable methodological tool for coaches in this category.
Conclusions: The validation of the system of exercises was checked upon its implementation in educational practice and the application of the initial and final instruments utilized to measure the parameters set during the design stage. This procedure demonstrated the improvements observed in the athletes, in terms of technical-tactical level when the exercise system was applied.


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How to Cite
Nápoles Marcillan, Y., Martinez Hernández, J. F., & Enríquez Muñiz, C. A. (2022). Exercises to Improve Tactical Performance of Boxers in the Pre-Selection of Camagüey, Cuba. Sport and Science, 7(2), 157–167. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2022.V7.No2.012
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