A Methodology to Train Middle Blockers in Junior Volleyball

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Osvaldo Idel Martínez Arias
José Ignacio Ruiz Sánchez


Introduction: Today, volleyball has undergone particular changes. It has assumed a complex system and game forms, and it encourages the search for greater player specialization and optimization of game systems and forms.
Aim: To design a methodology for the training of middle blockers in volleyball’s junior categories, based on the individual characteristics of athletes and their roles in the team.
Materials and methods: The procedures used permitted providing a rationale for the scientific results and determining the existing practical regularities, as well as data statistical processing.
Results: The methodology relies on current volleyball practice, based on positioning in the junior categories, with a growing level of complexity in the tasks of training, which favors these players on their teams.
Conclusions: The methodology centered on the specificity of the training contents for developing middle blockers in the junior categories based on their roles in the game and the tendencies that characterize training and the competition today.


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How to Cite
Martínez Arias, O. I., & Ruiz Sánchez, J. I. (2022). A Methodology to Train Middle Blockers in Junior Volleyball. Sport and Science, 7(2), 130–141. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2022.V7.No2.010
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