School Recreation to Enhance Cognitive Development of Elementary Students

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Gina Maribel Aguilar Osorio
Julio Angamarca Natalia Marcia
Katherine Gissela Rivera Quishpe
Silvia Elizabeth Santillán Galarza


Introduction: Physical recreation is a voluntary type of activity that is performed during free time as part of extracurricular activities, whose end is to produce physical and psychic relaxation, providing pleasure, and well-being, and contributing positively to human growth and balance against school-related stress and other daily duties.
Aim: To design a program of physical exercises that contribute to cognitive development of fifth-graders during their mathematics lessons, at the 24 de Julio educational facility. It must engage students in practicing recreational activities at
school often, and it is also a tool for motor, cognitive, affective, and social development of the 50 students selected for this study.
Materials and methods: During the research, several methods were included, such as the scientific, analytical, synthetic, and descriptive. The study relied on a pre-experimental design, which included only one group, consisting in the
application of a pre-test and a post-test. The techniques used were survey and a cognitive development test.
Conclusions: Regarding the equivalent fraction variables, semi-straight fractions, and combined operations, P 0.000 < 0.05 demonstrated that the null hypothesis was rejected, while the alternative hypothesis was accepted, thus suggesting a highly significant difference between the pre-test and post-test in the three variables related to student cognitive development during the research


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How to Cite
Aguilar Osorio, G. M., Natalia Marcia, J. A., Rivera Quishpe, K. G., & Santillán Galarza, S. E. (2022). School Recreation to Enhance Cognitive Development of Elementary Students. Sport and Science, 7(3), 15–29. (Original work published April 13, 2023)
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