A Curricular Program for Teaching Judo in the Pedagogic Degree of Physical Education
Main Article Content
Introduction: Judo is a martial art whose practice is done under an atmosphere of respect, discipline, and strictness; hence every physical capacity must be enhanced through several different methods.
Aim: To design a program for judo teaching and learning of the basic techniques by the students of the Pedagogic Degree of Physical Activity and Sports in the University of Guayaquil.
Methods: An experimental study was conducted in the form of pedagogic pre-experiment, which showed significant changes in the performance of basic judo techniques. A total of 26 subjects in the sixth term of the program were included, all belonging to the University of Guayaquil. The methods used were measurements and the results of three basic judo technique tests, such as Tachi waza, Osae-Komi-Waza, and Kwansetsu-Waza.
Results: The main results consisted of a program with the following structure: introduction, content rationale, contribution to the graduate profile, theme or analysis units, and learning assessment, which were closely linked to the system and contents.
Conclusions: The feasibility of the judo program was confirmed in the Pedagogic Degree of Physical Activity, which brought about substantial improvements and significant contrasts in the implementation of the basic techniques during the post-test, with increases over 50 % in the results of the tests performed.
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