Visualmotor coordination diagnose for students with strabismus and amblyopia

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Yaimara Peña-Peña
Luciano Mesa-Sánchez
Maida María Castro-Fernández


A key element when attending the special needs of students with strabismus and amblyopia is the stimulation of visualmotor coordination. From the standpoint of the constant research for better options that guarantee individual attention to these students it was considered appropriate to diagnose the coordinative factor behavior. Researchers took a sample of 21 first grade students of the special needs school Antonio Suárez Domínguez, Camagüey province, during the school years 2012-2015. Since neither the Physical Education Syllabus nor the Physical efficiency test had the necessary tools, various tests were taken to measure visualmotor coordination with the aim of providing Adapted Physical Education professors with an instrument capable of diagnosing students during the first cycle of primary education. The proposal was evaluated by the expert criteria theoretical method (Delphy) and a pre-experimental design as a practical method. Experts´ opinions on the adapted test and its feasibility were corroborated by assessing the positive incidence in the results according to the special characteristics of the students.


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How to Cite
Peña-Peña, Y., Mesa-Sánchez, L., & Castro-Fernández, M. M. (2017). Visualmotor coordination diagnose for students with strabismus and amblyopia. Sport and Science, 2(1), 16–31.
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